All posts by: admin

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Boaty McBoatface makes significant climate change discovery on first mission

By Rob Picheta, CNN The British research submarine Boaty McBoatface has made an impressive debut in the scientific arena, discovering a significant link between Antarctic winds and rising sea temperatures on its maiden outing.   The unmanned submarine, whose moniker won a landslide victory in a public poll to name a $300 million British polar research ship, […]


Pope warns oil execs of need for “rapid” energy transition

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis warned oil executives on Friday that a “radical energy transition” to clean, low-carbon power sources is needed to stave off global warming as he pressed his environmental message in a closed-door Vatican summit. Francis also told industry leaders from the likes of Britain’s BP and Italy’s Eni that carbon pricing […]


Sea level rise over past century unmatched in 6,000 years, says study

Sea Level Rise over pas century unmatched in 6,000 years, says study. I think that we have a lot of unprecedented factors in our past 100 years history, and alone the fact that there was a human caused ozone hole, and the chemical was banned internationally, should leave some room to really think about this […]


EPA to Propose Major Cuts in Carbon Emissions – NBC

EPA to Propose Major Cuts in Carbon Emissions – NBC News. Sure it is vital to control the emission, but I think that reducing energy usage that creates carbon emission is more important and often ignored. Alone things like the LED technology is an example on how you can benefit from reducing energy usage. Our […]


Hurricanes Are Shifting, Putting New Areas in Danger, Study Says – NBC

Hurricanes Are Shifting, Putting New Areas in Danger, as much as old areas which where usually in dangers of Hurricanes is reducing. Another clear message that something is going on, and including the issue of the more likely then usual.   Our building material usage creates 0 carbon emission, is energy efficient in usage, and […]


Wyoming is 1st state to reject science standards

Wyoming is 1st state to reject science standards. Scary, and unreal to me, that alone some people will go that far to ignore information or knowledge, but more importantly, officially by government or public elected officials? that goes to show that we are living in a ignorant world, well guess what, this is a problem […]


Is Climate Change Real? The Pentagon Sure Thinks So – NBC – Is Climate Change Real? The Pentagon Sure Thinks So. I would think that if such a well known and respected institution like the pentagon makes a statement, like climate change, that it would be considered a fact and not an opinion anymore, or at least make some people consider it. But it seems […]


Get a Reality Check on the Antarctic Meltdown and Rising Sea Level – NBC – Reality Check on the Antarctic Meltdown and Rising Sea Level. This article tries to downplay the urgency of this event, which is fine, but nonetheless it is happening, and for the people who say “of course”, there are still a lot of people who do not believe in climate change is man made. […]
